Clients and Testimonials

Clients and Testimonials

Million Cat Challenge
After our data call last year, we crunched the numbers to find out which of the Million Cat Challenge shelters had made the most advances in lifesaving, which shelters had reduced euthanasia the most. As the names were being listed, we couldn’t help but smile: it was the same list of consults Dr. Sara Pizano had done that year! If you’re looking for the secret sauce to lifesaving, there it is.
Valerie RobinsonTerrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Thank you!  We miss y’all already…seriously!  We are ready to take our community to the next level with animal welfare! You will have to come back for the unveiling of the statues that we are building for each of you!
Gerald MichelTerrebonne Parish Council, Louisiana
When I became a councilman, the list of things about which I was clueless was long.  It still exists, but hopefully is a bit shorter now that people like you have helped to educate me. Please know that Terrebonne Parish is honored that you have given of your time and resources to help us when there are so many who need help.  You have my support.  I look forward to a more efficient operation that helps our shelter, our pet population, and our constituency.
Carly S.The Animal Foundation, Las Vegas, Nevada
Thanks for the words of encouragement.  I am incredibly grateful for your support now and in the past. We would not be where we are without you!
Bob G.Montgomery County, OH
Our County Commissioners made the investment to bring in Team Shelter USA for a comprehensive assessment of our operations.  I am extremely proud to report that in 18 short months, we have done a 180° turn and are performing better than ever in terms of shelter administration, managing our intake, working with our community partners, producing better outcomes, saving more lives, etc. etc.

While our work is far from done, we owe a lot to Dr. Pizano and her team for producing an assessment that was honest, thorough, and comprehensive.  It has helped us understand that with some guidance, transparency, and a lot of hard work, improving the lives of animals and producing best practices outcomes for your community is clearly within your grasp.

Katie T.Madison County, KY
Thank you so much for helping our region, Kentucky needed your expertise and motivation! Thank you so much for all your hard work. Very exciting times!
Dr. Alice B.San Diego Humane Society intern, CA
Thank you so much for being an extraordinary advocate for countless animals in our shelter systems and resourceful educator for organizations to consult. Your expertise, advice and guidance have such a great impact on communities as a whole. It was so rewarding to be a part of this shelter assessment with you and I look forward to applying and sharing many lessons from this week to all organizations I have the opportunity to work with in the future to continue your legacy of improving animal welfare.
Nicole C.Kauai, HI
The assessment by Dr. Pizano and the Million Cat Challenge team helped me prioritize the needs of my shelter and gave me the confidence to make large strides toward change. Even after their assessment they continue to check-in, troubleshoot, and provide support. I am extremely grateful and highly recommend their assessment process.
Jeannie R.Marion County, FL
Thank you so much. Our team has worked very hard and diligently in the transition to a no-kill shelter and it has been so beneficial for the county.  Words cannot express my appreciation to you for the guidance and encouragement you provided to make this transformation so successful.  By copy of this email, I am forwarding your comments  to our commissioners and county administrator, as I know they will be just as pleased to read your email as I was.
Fizzy R.Danville-Boyle, KY
It’s remarkable to see the impact you have made in Danville. Even more so the growing support and understanding of Community Cat Programs. Your reassurance, continued motivation and advocacy have been vital!
Jean M.Mt. Pleasant, NJ
Mt. Pleasant has made tremendous strides as a direct result of your guidance. I am confident you’d be beaming with pride!!!!
DanKaua'i Humane Society Board Member
We had a record breaking year at the Kaua’i Humane Society this year due in part to the great direction and guidance provided by you and the Million Cat Challenge team.  Wishing you a safe and joyful holiday season.


Best Friends Animal Society
Boehringer Ingelheim
Houston Pet Set
The Joanie Bernard Foundation
Maddie’s Fund
Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida
Million Cat Challenge
Open Door Veterinary Collective

Shelter Clients

Adair County, KY
Aiken County, SC
Alameda (city), CA
Amarillo (city) , TX
Anderson County, KY
Anderson County, SC
Animal Care Sanctuary, PA
Anne Arundel County, MD
Bakersfield (city), CA
Baltimore County, MD
BARCS – Baltimore MD
Baton Rouge, LA
Boise (Idaho Humane Society), ID
Boone County, KY
Bourbon County, KY
Boyle County, KY
Boyd County, KY
Bracken County, KY
Brevard County, FL
Broward County, FL
Butler County, OH
Caddo Parish, LA
Campbell County, KY
Caroline County, MD
Caroll County, KY
Carroll County, GA
Cartersville (Etowah Valley Humane Society), GA
Casey County, KY
Charlotte-Mecklenburg, NC
Cheyenne, WY (humane society)
Cincinnati, OH
Clark County, KY
Cleveland County, NC
Clinton County, KY
Cochise County, AZ
Columbia, SC
Columbus, GA
Cumberland County, KY
Dallas, TX
Daviess County, KY
Daytona (Halifax Humane Society), FL
Dearborn County, IN
Dougherty County, GA
Douglas, AZ
East County, CA
Edinburg (Palm Valley Animal Society), TX
El Paso, TX
Elkhart, IN (humane society)
Escambia County, FL
Estill County, KY
Fayette County, KY
Floyd County, GA
Floyd County, IN
Franklin County, KY
Furry Friends, FL
Gallitan County, KY
Garrard County, KY
Genessee County, MI
Glynn County, GA
Grant County, KY
Green County, KY
Greenup County, KY
Greenville County, SC
Halifax Humane Society,FL
Harris County, TX
Harrison County, KY
Hays County, TX
Hidalgo County, TX
Hillsborough County, FL
Honolulu Humane Society, HI
Horry County, SC
Houston (city), TX
Humane Society of Vero Beach and Indian River, FL
Humane Society of Yuma, AZ
Huntsville (city), AL
Idaho Humane Society, ID
Indianapolis, IN
Inland Humane Society, CA

Jessamine County, KY
Kauai (Humane Society), HI
Kenton County, KY
Kern County, CA
Knoxville, TN
Lafayette Parish, LA
Lakeland (SPCA), FL
Las Vegas (The Animal Foundation), NV
Lawrence County, KY
Lincoln County, KY
Lollypop Farms, NY
Louisville Metro, KY
Lowdnes County, KY
Madera County, CA
Madison County, KY
Marin SPCA, CA
Marion County, FL
Marion County, SC
Mason County, KY
Maui Humane Society, HI
McCreary County, KY
Memphis, TN
Menifee County, KY
Mercer County, KY
Mobile (city), AL
Montgomery County, KY
Montgomery County, MD
Montgomery County, MS
Montgomery County, OH
Montgomery County, TX
Montgomery Humane Society, AL
Morgan County, GA
Mt. Pleasant Humane Society, NJ
Murray County, GA
Nashville (metro), TN
New Albany/Floyd, IN
North Augusta (city), SC
Oakland County, MI
Okaloosa County, FL
Osceola County, FL
Owen County, KY
Oxford (city), MS
Palm Beach County, FL
Palmdale (city), CA
Pendleton County, KY
Pensacola Humane Society, FL
Pinal County, AZ
Port St. Lucie (Humane Society), FL
Powell County, KY
Pulaski County, KY
Richmond, IN
Robertson County, KY
Rochester (city), NY
Rowan County, KY
Russell County, KY
Santa Rosa, FL
Scott County, KY
Shreveport, LA
Siskiyou County (Humane Society), CA
Spartanburg County, SC
Stanislaus County, CA
St. Lucie County, FL
St. Lucie (humane society), FL
St. Thomas (humane society), USVI
Stephens County (Humane Society), OK
Sumner County, TN
Tallahassee (city), FL
Taylor County, KY
Tazwell County, VA
Terrebonne Parish, LA
Thomas County, GA
Tracy (city), CA
Waco (city), TX
Walker County, GA
Walton County, FL
Wayne County, IN
Wayne County, KY
Webster County, KY
Whitfield County, GA
Woodford County, KY
Yuma (Humane Society), AZ