Best Practice Case Studies

Northern Kentucky Development District (NKADD)
The state of Kentucky is divided into districts of 8 to 17 counties that work together on social issues. In the 8 counties that make up the Northern Kentucky Area Development District (NKADD), 4 have shelters that handled dogs and cats and 4 have shelters that handle dogs only. In 2015, the 4 shelters handling cats that included Grant, Boone, Campbell and Kenton the save rates for cats were 86%, 77%, 30% and 22%, respectively.
Also, in 2015, a spay/neuter needs analysis for dogs and cats was done in the NKADD that led to strategic targeted cat funding by the Joanie Bernard Foundation. Assessments were done at the 4 shelters handling both dogs and cats, outdated ordinances revised and Best Practice programs designed that included community cat diversion, Safety Net and open adoptions.
Progress was swift and 2017 ended with save rates over 90% for 3 of the 4 shelters with Kenton County finishing with at 82%. 2018 is expected to be the first year that all 8 counties in the NKADD will finish over 90% for both dogs and cats. See full first year report here: NKADD Year One Report