


Proposals are designed for each individual client. Services may be delivered on an hourly, daily or ongoing retainer rate and done either virtually or onsite. After a discussion about the needs of the organization or project goals, a plan will be recommended.

Some examples include:

Comprehensive community and shelter assessments

Holistic Assessments

Onsite holistic assessments benchmark current protocols and programs with national Best Practice standards. Public policy, targeted community programs, and all area animal welfare organizations are taken into consideration when developing a roadmap to develop resources in the most impactful way. Assessments are available for public and private organizations and include the evaluation of intake policies, community cat programs, population management, housing and enrichment, shelter medicine and surgery and live outcome programs along with recommendations for sustainable resolution.
Responsible public policy and other focused assistance

Focused Assistance

Proper program design sets the trajectory for an organization to succeed. Assistance is available to update specific programs in line with Best Practices in a variety of areas that include, but are not limited to, Public Policy, Community Cat Programs, Managed Intake, Spay/Neuter and live outcome programs.
Strategic planning

Strategic Planning

Setting goals and defining success is as important as the plan to reach those goals. All organizational types in every sector should have a Strategic Plan with measurable goals and built-in pathways to adjust programming when needed. Corporate culture change must be embraced at all levels of an organization and Team Shelter USA, LLC can help unite staff, board members and volunteers around the most effective Strategic Plan.

Ongoing Coaching

As public and private animal shelters transition to implementing strategic Best Practices, unanticipated questions, concerns and training needs arise. Ongoing coaching is available on an hourly or retainer basis.
Day long workshops

Day Long Workshops

Implementing programs new to an organization should always begin with the education of leaders, decision makers, board members, staff and volunteers. Understanding the positive impact of a new policy leads to support from all levels. Onsite workshops are an excellent way to level the playing field and engage team members in a new way of approaching an old way of doing business.


One to two-hour virtual presentations are available on a variety of topics and may be followed by a question and answer period. This time may also be used to learn more in-depth information about an onsite holistic community and shelter assessment.
Facility design

Facility design

We now know there is a direct link between facility design and the health of shelter dogs and cats. The design of each pet enclosure, enrichment, flow of pets and people through the shelter, HVAC system and sound abatement are just a few aspects of a facility that can help or hinder a life-saving mission. Whether plans involve a partial renovation or a new facility from the ground up, it is crucial that the design is planned around current Best Practice programming.